Charles "Chuck" Woodhams
Why are you running?
I’m running for reelection because I think the board as currently composed is a good group that keeps the best interests of residents first and foremost in our minds. We try to strike a balance between the need for reasonable commercial development and the wellbeing of residents. I was on the board from 2001-2004 and chose not to run again at that time and in the ensuing years as the makeup of the board changed, I believe some of that balance was lost. My goal is to try to guide the inevitable development of the town in a direction that best serves the residents, who ultimately have to live with whatever is left behind. There are some key areas that I believe will be developed in the next several years that will set the tone for the vision of the town, and I want to be part of the process to encourage the very best projects we can.
Lifelong Wrentham resident, both parents also lifelong residents
Graduated King Philip Regional High School
Attended Modern School of Music, Providence RI
Employed in long term care pharmacy industry